Wednesday, 18 April 2012


today discussion is all about :
  1. idiolect
  2. dialect
  3. accents
  4. standard English
  5. linguafranca
  6. pidgin
  7. style
  8. slang
  9. jargon/argot
  10. taboo/euphemism  
share your opinion ;)


  1. hello this is my opinion:
    1)idiolect is a variety of language unique to one individual person.this is because each of us belong to different social groups, each of us speak a language may have different with other group of speakers such as Malay always end up talked with 'LAH' as everyone know same goes on Sabahan always end up with 'BAH'.

    2)dialect is a variety of a language that is a characteristic of a particular group of the language speaker. when the speaker use their own dialect we can easily recognize where the speaker from such as kelantan dialect.Kelantan dialect has its own set of features of pronunciation, vocabulary and syntax, which differ from standard Malay.Actually for me the Kelantan people should be proud of the this unique dialect as ‘the Kelantanese regard their dialect as a fundamental part of their regional culture and a symbol of group membership and loyalty.

    3)accents is sounds of our mothertongue, urm is like when go to other countries such as Britain, we use to speak English language with our own mothertongue, it may slightly different with the way they speak but this is what we are.

    4)slang is the use of informal words and expressions. the words is likely to be nicely and shorter. the words of slang is mainly describing something the real things.
    here are the example of slang in American in early 60s:
    a)blast :A Great Time. Example: "We had a blast at the Prom".
    b)Copasetic :Very good; all right, as in no problems. Example: Everything is copasetic.
    c)Boss: A great or cool thing. Example: "The Beach Boys new record is really boss".
    p/s : guys, for more information please visit this web

    1. Aha,Amin,yes,have noted your comments,hehehe....
      Arvint,vertically challenged=short....
      Happy to read all your comments.
      Did you guys enjoy doing the mid sem?Was fun,right???!!!

    2. Mdm. I like the mid test but i didn't get enough of time to complete all the Questions.. Hmmmmm..

    3. mdm..ahaa ahaa..the mid test was 'awesome' haha but the guys at the back was copy & paste the answer mdm..hahhaha

    4. Oh I see,thanks for telling me,Amin...will take ACTION!!!

    5. Hey ammmin , wat u mean "the guyz at the back copy & paste " ? It's Taboo wrds for students u knw... Mdm ammin is lying !! Dont trust him..

    6. Hehehe...I'll carry out the necessary investigations ....

  2. Idiolect is the special characteristic or different ways of speaking a language. In Malaysia, the Sabahan people tend to speak with a word ‘bha’ at the end of their conversation. We might think it is weird but it is normal for them to do so.

    Dialect is a spoken language for people from different state or region. Only certain people can understand it. Northern and Southern people in Malaysia speak different language. In Terengganu, they tend to add (g) in certain words such as (ikan-ikang / makan-makang).

    Accent is a manner of pronouncing the word. Usually, there is an influence of the mother tongue in a language spoken.
    Lingua Franca is referred as a language that can be understood by others. It is a common language used by every people. Standard English also known as a lingua franca language because it has a formal grammatical structure, a good vocabulary and a proper spelling.

    Jargon is the word that can be understood or the vocabulary is only used by certain group of people such as a doctor, botanist and etc. A doctor defines something using a specific term. Example (spinal-backbone)

    Slang is different from accent. Actually slang is the use of informal conversation or expression to describe something. Sometime, slang words are accepted as a language when people tend to use it in their daily communication. Example (hey dude, wassap?)

    Taboo is a very indecent or impolite word that cannot be mention at all. We tend to change the bad word by using something nice to hear. Example
    He ‘died’ yesterday.
    He ‘passed away’ yesterday.

  3. Hey guys.. wAtzz uP!!!!!

    Okay, these are my comments for the questions that posted here.

    1. Idiolect is known as unique characters that own by speakers when they speak a language. In simple word, we can that say that a speaker may have different style of habits when they speak. These occur because the speakers of a language are come from different social groups. Therefore, they would have their own style’s when speaks a language. A best example would be Malaysian whereby they would add the “LAH” each time when they speak English language.
    “Where are you going la?”. The word “LAH’ is known as idiolect.

    2. Dialect can be defined as a variety of language that is specific to one group of speakers. This can be because of the area they live in, or because of social class. Therefore, they would speak different standard of a language which is totally different. The main factor for this dialect occurs in certain because of the language that is found within a regional (or national) language. Besides that, dialect also doesn’t have any written form since it is informal. An example, of dialect is can be found in “Malay Language”. Although, Malaysian speaks “Malay” language around Malaysia but it is totally different in Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and so on. For example, a correct for “eat” in Malay language is “makan” but it is being pronounced as “make” in Kelantan. Dialect can be distinguished by vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation

    3. Based on my understanding, accents is something like bringing the sound of your own mother tongue when speaks a language be it English or other language. An Indian will bring his own accents when speaks English language and same goes for others. It is very easy for us to know which group of people someone belongs through the accents when they speak a language. Therefore, each group of people will have their own accents. For example, American and British is totally different.

    4. Standard English is known as a formal English language or a particular language which have been standardized. Not only those, this standard English will be used for during a formal conversation, for education purpose and so on. Furthermore, in Standard English there are no any spelling errors and at the same time it is grammatically correct.

    5. Lingua franca is a widely known language, generally used when speakers of two other languages want to communicate. It means that a common language will be used for a better understanding in their conversation. This usually occur when the both speakers is differ from their mother tongue and have to communicate. During this moment, the usage of lingua franca will appear. For example a speaker of Arabic may talk to a speaker of Japanese by both of them using English as a lingua franca.

  4. 6. Pidgin refers to a type of languages that develop as a means of communication between people speaking two different languages, and there being no dominant language which can become a means of communication. It has limited vocabulary and simple sentence structure. Pidgin language is not used as native language by any one as native language. It is used only as means of communication for conducting business between people speaking different native languages. For example, people from different countries will mingle together for business purpose and so on, therefore they could not communicate since their mother tongue is differ and cannot understood by them. At this moment, pidgin will be used.

    7. Style refers to the way we speak to certain group of people. It is because we have a different style of speaking habits or behavior when spoke to different social groups and also we must consider the places. For example, when we are going for market for sure the words that being used by us will be easy to understand by everyone. We are not going to have a formal interaction or discussion with them, therefore the speaking style would be different. In spite of that, when we are talking to the older people the way we communicate to them shows that we respect them and son. Therefore, we can make a conclusion that speaking style would be different with social groups.

    8. Slang is very informal kind of vocabulary. It is mostly used in speech by people who know each other well. Usually, slang’s are only used by that group of people only because it some of them might feel offended with those words. Slang is words that are used that are often not found in the dictionary, because someone or a group of people have created them as shared expressions. Slang words are words or expressions that are not part of standard or generally accepted language. For examples, teenagers their self have their own slangs. Few examples for them are as follows;
     Hot chick…
     Hey dude..
     Wat’z up bro..
     Cool
     awesome

    9. Jargon is known as a group of word, vocabulary or a language which can be only understand by a particular group (professionals) of people only. For example, an ordinary person will find hard to understand some medical terms because they do not have the knowledge on it. It is only can be understand by the people under medical field.

    Here are few jargons from medical terms:

    ambu-bag - handheld squeeze bag attached to a face mask. see also bagging

    amitriptyline - a tricyclic antidepressant

    amoxicillin - an antibiotic

    10. Taboo is known as a unpleasant, bad, rude and not a polite word which may cause some people feel offended when we use it. It is because for in their culture those words are not allowed to use. For example, when we enter to Malay people house we are advised not to use the word “pig” because it is a taboo word for them. Not only that, the word “sex” also known as a taboo for some group of people. This is because they might feel uncomfortable with those words.

    On the other hand, euphemism can be defined as a generally harmless word, name, or phrase to replace taboo words. Usually, there are more polite words. Examples of euphemisms are:

     So instead of saying "He died" You can say He passed away which makes it sound much more better.

     She's fat= Shes vertically challenged

    Instead of saying she is fat which sounds quite rude you could say she is vertically challenged which would sound weird saying it to someone because they might not know what it means, but it’s better than saying she is fat.

     Having sex would be better if we say having sex intercourse.

    hehehe...that's all from me, anything wrong juz feel free to correct my mistakes.. tc..

  5. this is what I understand of LINGUA FRANCA...

    Lingua franca, also known as a vehicular language is a language used for communication between individuals of different and distinct mother tongues. The most popular lingua franca known to date is English. Numerous nations use English as the language for communication even though it has no relation to English. For instance, Chinese nationals may use English to communicate with Turkish nationals. In the instance of Latin American countries, such as Brazil and certain countries of Latin decent such as Spain, and Italy; Spanish is the language used between them to communicate even thought their mother tongues differ. Spanish is said to be the third ranked language used in international trade and politics. Hence, giving it the status of a Lingua Franca as well.

  6. Hi guyz , good evening. Today I would like to share my research on this topic..

    1) Idiolect= Idiolect has a Unique characteristic in a language. This can be seen from the way/style some people speak . Example the MALAYSIAN the using of “La” , Sabahan the using of “Ba” after the end of the word and Australian’s have the rhythm when they speak and using of “yeah” .

    2) Dialect = Dialect refers to the way people speak a standard language in a different style . Usually a language have formal writing system , but a dialect don’t have . Dialect is mostly used for spoken . For example , In Malaysia Bahasa Melayu is first language and it is a standard language, but people from Kelantan , Terengganu have their own way of saying the words. Such as,

    Where are you going? - Mu nok gie mana?
    What do you want to eat?- Mu nok makan apa?
    3) Accents = Accents refers to influence of the sound of mother tongue in a standard language. Thru this we can identify the person and the religion they belongs to. Example,
    “Look at the table, it has a box”
    Malaysian’s always don’t pronounce the last letter of the word . such as
    “ Loo aa Tha Table, E has a bok”. Besides that, Malaysian’s have problem in using letter “X”. This is because , In Malay there is no Letter “X” . That’s why, The “box” became “bok”. It also happen in Arabic language. Example , Father( English) pronounce as “ Fazer” ( Arabic). This because, in that language people replace the “th” sound with “Z”. So this is wat meant by Accents, a standard language influenced by different mother tongue .
    4) Slang = Slang refers to the way of certain group of people speak among them and hardly understand but different age people. Example, The famous slang among Youngsters
    “ Hey bro, watz up. Check out the hot checks over there. They look awesome “ This is an example of slang that we hear everyday from youngster nowadays. If we ask our grandparents this question they might reply “ Bro ? its cloud up there . check out where ? Hot checks , KFC ? .hmmmmm .. This happen because , different age group people have different slang when they speak .

    5) Pidgin = Pidgin is a language that created by a different group of people when they can’t able to communicate with one standard language. Usually , it happen in a situation such as trade. A pidgin is not the native language of any speech community, but it learned as a second language. A pidgin may be built from words, sounds, or body language from multiple other languages and cultures. Pidgins allow people or a group of people to communicate with each other without having any similarities in language and does not have any rules, as long as both parties are able to understand each other. Pidgins can be changed and do not follow a specific order

  7. Cont..........

    6) Style = Style refers to the different way of speaking with different type of people. Example , when speak to parents, we speak with full of “respect “ while with friends we speak casually and friendly .

    7) Jargon = Jargon refers to the language used by people who work in a particular area such as Doctor, lawyer, polis and many more. Example, a lawyer might use words like client, transcript, rules. Judgment, final order and many more. Sometime, normal people cant able to understand certain terms as I mention.Thatz the reason why, jargon is a language that used and understand by certain people that work in a particular area.

    8) Taboo= taboo refers to a unpleasant, bad or not polite words that used in a conversation . This is because, taboo can cause problems and misunderstanding with people around us. For example, the using of “PIG” with Muslim people is not allowed and this can cause misunderstanding because the word “PIG” is consider as bad words for muslim people.

    9) Euphuism= euphuism refers to words that used to replace “taboo” words into very polite words ! Example, Instead of using BRA and UNDERWEAR we can use “UNMENTIONABLE DELICATES “ . In this way, it sounds better and very polite.

    10) Lingua franca = Lingua franca refers to a common language that understand by different group of people. Example, English is lingua france because it makes a Malaysian (Malay and India) to communicate with China people in exchanging ideas.

  8. Sugha has used all the examples I gave in class....very attentive student,eh?!!!

    1. Hahahaahhaha, kinda attentive mdm.. But I enjoy this topic ..:)

  9. Don't forget,next week,discussion on literature and paralinguistics.Also if you have any questions on your presentations,please discuss them with me...

  10. just like what ms sarada said that we always confused about slang and accent. we tend to use slang when talking about accent and get the wrong idea about accent.

    slang basically is the words that used in particular group. In Malay we have internet slang, or sms slang. and only the particular group can understand the word. the word maybe uses for another meaning that totally different from the original meaning. but as the time flies, if the word becomes familiar and people starts to use it more frequent, the word may be registered and becomes an official word later. for example, the word "awesome". it was a slang word that has been registered as an official word. the word later was included into dictionary.

    meanwhile, accent refers to how people tend to bring the sound of their mother tongue when they are speaking other languages. its not only when we are speaking English, but any other languages that is not our mother tongue, regardless how fluent we are, there is still will be some accent. it is because our brains had been programmed to move our lips and tongue according to how we pronounce sounds in our mother tongue. usually people who have more than one mother tongue have more advantages in produce more sounds. is accent a bad thing? i will say no, as long as they can convey the message correctly and the accent do not disturb the pronunciation. actually, not only the speaker but the listener also must concern about the accent. if we alert about how the people who speak in that particular accent speak, we can get the meaning faster. if you have to meet a lot of people such as something related to public relation, it is advisable to learn more about accents in english. for example, arab people will say father as 'fazher'. if you can understand what is your client trying to say, you will impressed them and they will feel comfortable to work with you.

  11. Idiolect- An idiolect is known as variety of a language unique to an individual. For an example we Malaysian do use “lah” and Sabahan tend to use “bah”

    Dialect- Dialect is known as a particular form of language that is peculiar to a specific region and social group or it is known as a different way of speaking standard language. For an example Malay is a standard language but in Kelantan they have their own set of different pronunciation, vocabulary and syntax.

    Accent- An accent refers to a characteristic of speech that convey information about a person and where he is from. For an example when a person from UK speaks English, one would be able to tell that he is from UK. The phonological difference can be identified here.

    Standard English- Standard English is known as a formal (official) or proper English with fixed vocabulary and grammar.

    Pidgin- Pidgin is a language that created by certain group of people. A grammatically simplified form of a language with elements taken from local languages

    Style- Style is known as the different way of speaking. Everyone has their own style or habit of speaking. For an example when we speak to elderly people we tend to speak with a respectful manner.

    Slang- Slang is a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal. For an example, hot chickz, Hey dude, wutz up are the examples of slang.

    Jargon / argot- Jargon is a special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand. For an example, lawyers, doctors have their own words or terms that unable to understand by certain people.

    Taboo- Taboo is known as unpleasant, prohibition of an action based on belief or a custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing. For an example instead of saying died it can be replaced with passed away.

  12. idiolect – unique characteristics of a speaker, the style of speaking. For example, Malaysian loves saying “lah”, Sabahan loves “bah”, Australian loves “ye” and American loves “haa…”

    dialect – it is a difference in the way different groups speak a language. for example, there is standard BM, Sarawak BM, Kelantan BM and etc. Kelantan people cannot understand BM from Sarawak.

    accent - means bringing the sound of mother tongue into English. we have Indian, Chinese, Malay, Arabic and others accents. when a Chinese speaks English, automatically we are able to identify that person is a Chinese because Chinese get confused or hard to pronounce the sound "r" and "l". for example the word problem, they might read it as plobrem.

    standard English - the correct use of grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary which can be found in the standard dictionary. for example, in email or sms, we will use "c u 8 class", but in standard English, it is supposed to be "see you at class"

    lingua franca - language that is understood by everyone. for example, English. English is an international language whereby everyone understands it. even non-English educated people understand the word "tv, ok, hello, bye, hi"

    pidgin - a type of language that is created by people of different country whereby they dont understand each other's language. for example when the Malay meets with the French and Japanese people.

    style - it is the different ways and attitudes we possess when we speak to different groups of people. for example, when you speak to a child, you use double phoneme like "mam mam", "hi-hi" instead of saying "hey boy, please finish your food" or "hi Jake,my name is Jen"

    slang - it is the informal standard words or phrases that is created by certain age group of people. youngsters have their own slang while elderly also have their own slang. for example for youngsters, they will say "yo bro, check out on my new wheels and that hot chick beside it"

    jargon / argot - language or vocabulary that is used by certain group of people like doctors, lawyers, teachers and linguistic professional. for example, lawyers use "client", seller use "customers" and teachers use "students" as their consumers.

    taboo - bad words that is prohibited to say in public. for example, "his grandpa died". we should actually say "his grandpa passed away"

    euphemism - very polite terms that is accepted by the public and people love to hear it. for example, we use "unmentionable" for inner clothes like underwear.

  13. Do you know the following slang terms:
    -souped up car
    -I dig you man
    -you are a douche bag
    -you are a couch potato
    -the fuzz is here
    -let's pig out today...
    Note:Research and note down different examples.Most of you are repeating what went on in class..

    1. Based on my understanding :
      1) Souped up car refers to a " powerful car"
      2)I dig u man refers to "I like u "
      3)Chill bro refers to "Relax or calm down"
      4)You are a douche bag refers to " stupid people or idiot"
      5)You are a couch potato refers to " lazy people who likes to sit all the time"

      6)The fuzz is here ( sorry no idea ) hehehe..:P

      7)Let's pig out today refers to " going out with friends to eat "

      Hehehhehe.. I have tried my best.. any comments mdm ?

  14. Taboo is a words and phrases that are generally considered inappropriate in certain contexts. It is a bad and impolite word to use and shows that we are not respect that person. They are often used in situations full of emotion such as in an argument, in pain or when one is under a lot of stress. These word and phrases will make some people find shocking of offensive because it is clearly not our way of speaking in daily life. People who more tend to use this kind of words are the people that are lack of moral values inside themselves. But in some special case, people are using taboo words in everyday life will not feel offensive or shocking because they are used to those kinds of words. This is often used amongst close groups to signal connection with that group. A group of friends may call each other jerks for example without any offense. But if a stranger who joins this group and uses the same terms may well cause offense as they are trying to be part of the group which they do not belong to.
    Taboo words are often classified using a star system. Example:

    Obviously we can change the bad words to more something good to hear, for example
    Brother, sister instead of *bitch
    Passed away instead of died

  15. hye and heloo..

    these are the things i understand frm wat we learn in class..

    Idiolect : is the unique pattern among speakers. This is due to each of us belong to different social group. We speak language that differ from one another. It is the way each person say words or phrases in a sentence to convey a thought. For example the most common 1 is using "LAH" we malaysian tend to use this in most of our word like 'ok lah, can lah, no lah, today lah', the american uses "HUH" and australian " yeah"

    Dialect : is variety of language that is specific to one group of speakers and its not a official language. This is due to because of the area they live in, or because of social class. This dialect is spoken within the region only. Dialect has no written system unlike language has official written system. Dialect also has no grammatical structure. Dialect is basically from a official language. For example "Bahasa Melayu" is the official language, but there is language called bahasa melayu terengganu, bahasa melayu kelantan, bahasa melayu perak. Thia are called as dialects.

    Accent : is various way of pronouncing a words or speaking a language. This is due the mother tongue effect. Example are indian, chinese,malay,arabs,french,italy and so on. Accents ussualy influences not only the way we pronounce but also the sound of the word we utter. This is bcoz english is spoken as second language and our mother tongue are spoken widely.

    Standard English : is the formal english that we use officially in everything. The standard english consist of using correct grammatical order, vocabulary and proper sentence structure.

    to be continued...

    1. Pidgin : is two different people frm different social background and different language and they do not know any similar language. This kind of pple ussualy uses their mother tongue to communicate and that create a different type of language called pidgin. Example like a korean meets a banglaseshi they might have some communication problem.

      Style : is the various way of speaking to different type person. For example when we talk to elderly pple ussualy we talk wit full respect. Unlike when we talk wit our close buddies we talk casually. When we speak to higher pple like ministers we address them wit Dato or Tan sri or any of their title.

      Slang : slang is the way that a group of pple talk and only can be understand by them. Example like hip hop youngsters usually uses words such as yo!wats up , dude and so on.

      Jargon : is like the use few word in shorter way. Examples like 'laugh out loud' is LOL , 'oh my god ' is OMG. this are called jargon.

  16. shyreen shaharuddeen

    Idiolect- An idiolect is known as variety of a language unique to an individual. For an example we Malaysian do use “lah” and Sabahan tend to use “bah”

    Dialect- Dialect is known as a particular form of language that is peculiar to a specific region and social group or it is known as a different way of speaking standard language. For an example Malay is a standard language but in Kelantan they have their own set of different pronunciation, vocabulary and syntax.

    Accent- An accent refers to a characteristic of speech that convey information about a person and where he is from. For an example when a person from UK speaks English, one would be able to tell that he is from UK. The phonological difference can be identified here.

    Standard English- Standard English is known as a formal (official) or proper English with fixed vocabulary and grammar.

    Pidgin- Pidgin is a language that created by certain group of people. A grammatically simplified form of a language with elements taken from local languages

    Style- Style is known as the different way of speaking. Everyone has their own style or habit of speaking. For an example when we speak to elderly people we tend to speak with a respectful manner.

    Slang- Slang is a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal. For an example, hot chickz, Hey dude, wutz up are the examples of slang.

    Jargon / argot- Jargon is a special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand. For an example, lawyers, doctors have their own words or terms that unable to understand by certain people.

    Taboo- Taboo is known as unpleasant, prohibition of an action based on belief or a custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing. For an example instead of saying died it can be replaced with passed away.

  17. Anything else other than the euphemism for 'died'....need to read something new...please don't repeat what your friends have written......

    1. I am feeling so sad..someone just copy and paste my answer without changing anything (NOT EVEN A SINGLE WORD) i dun wanna mention his/her name hope the person knowz...please don’t do that ...itz my own hardwork i did research and i do apply my own understanding whatever miss sarada taught in class... eventhough i copy certain definition frm my research but i do change the sentence according to my own understanding....pls this is my humble request don’t copy ur frenz answer ..itz their own hardwork atleast change the sentence according to ur own understanding...pls

    2. dear madam and friends..
      i would like to say that, the Anonymous that use my name is not me.. i'm not the one that copy and paste all those things from vaishnavi.. i won't do something that make me be in trouble because i know that this blog be monitoring by madam. i felt sad because there is someone that i didn't know who do this to me.. to the person, please stop..

  18. Idolect could be defined as the different terms used in a spoken language. For an example in KL we tend to use lah very commonly wherlse in Sabah the term bah is used widely. However this terms are not considered as a formal term of the language. It would not be used in writing.

    Dialect is the way how a language is been spoke in a region. for instance in KL we pronounce "makan" wherelse in Kelantan they pronounce it as "make". We share the same language in common but spoken differently in different regions.

    Taboo refers to the unpleasant word or terms used in a language. It also refers to the unpleasant partice, norms culture and belief practiced by a race. For instance instead of saying TOILET we could say it as ladies for women and Johns for men.

    Accent simply refers to the ways a word is been pronounced. This is due to the influence of mother tongue language. Generally we use more of our mother tongue while communicating with family with people unless the person that we are communicating with is from a different race only than we use english or bahasa. Hence this influences the tone of the second language. We could actually identify a person' race from their accent.

    Slang refers to the language which could be only understood by a particular group of people. For an example watcha doing? this is actually the latest or the new way of speaking english especially by the youngsters. People who belong to the old generation would normally have difficulty in understanding these kind of language. It is not a formal language. It is only being used as a medium of communication by a group of people only.

  19. I am feeling so sad..someone just copy and paste my answer without changing anything (NOT EVEN A SINGLE WORD) i dun wanna mention his/her name hope the person knowz...please don’t do that ...itz my own hardwork i did research and i do apply my own understanding whatever miss sarada taught in class... eventhough i copy certain definition frm my research but i do change the sentence according to my own understanding....pls this is my humble request don’t copy ur frenz answer ..itz their own hardwork atleast change the sentence according to ur own understanding...pls

  20. Here is my research….
    1. Idiolect- Idiolect refers to an individual own a personal language style due to live in a different social group. They will speak with a different style among their community. Their speech habit typically differs from those who are not used to it.
    2. Dialect- Dialect is usually spoken by people who live in a certain region of a country. A dialect also we can say as those who are speak their mother tongue in their own individual way.
    3. Accent- An accent usually describes the way people pronounce words of a language that is differ from their mother tongue.
    4. Standard English- Standard English is a English which is there is no any grammar and sentence mistakes which we can see in a dictionary also known as Standard Written English, is the form of English most widely accepted as being clear and proper.
    5. Linguafranca- linguafranca is a common language that is used widely and understand by the people around the world. For an example English known as a linguafrance because is a language understands almost every people in the world. Example: I Love You, Happy Birthday.
    6. Pidgin- Pidgin is a language which develops in situations where speakers of different languages need to communicate but don’t share a common language.
    7. Style- Style is refers to different style that people use when speak to different age of people. Example: when we speak to friends we tend to use sentence like ‘hey dude,wats up’ and when we talk to lecturers or teachers we will speak with more respect such use words like ‘madam’,’sir’.
    8. Slang- Slang can be refers to the way of people speak among themselves and only understand among them.
    9. Jargon- Jargon is commonly used by groups that have a similar interest, such as in medical and law firm. Example of jargon in medical profession is: AGONAL-used to describe a major negative change in a person’s conditions, usually preceding immediate death.
    10. Taboo- Taboo words are those that are considered in bad taste by some people or that are better to be avoided. Example of taboo words are devil and piss.
    Euphemism- Euphemism is the replacement of a taboo expression by other words. Example: devil (the evil one), piss(go to the toilet).

  21. what im understand for all that kind of word is:
    1) idiolect: unique characteristic of certain the word 'bah' always be add people who are from sabah in their dialogue.
    2)dialect: what are the different between dialect and language are,dialect has no formal writing form and language has it.
    3) accents: the sound of mothertounge.usually,every race has their own,it will influence them in speaking the other language.
    4)standard english: is formal english.hehe
    5)slang: language from group.examples,from teenager..they has their own slang such as..bro,dude,hot chick,cool and so on.i always confuse between accent and slang actually.hehe
    6)lingua franca: one language can be understand by all is a common language use in communication.for the example bahasa melayu in lingua franca in malaysia.
    7)jargon: a word that use by certain group of people.examples,professional group like doctor..spinal cord,testis,medula oblongata,serebelum,serebrum and so on.
    8)taboo: a kind of word that that exactly not necessary to use it.rude word.examples..'your father died today right? he deserve it.' (it is example only)

  22. hello
    1.idiolect: characteristic of the speaker.
    2.dialect:it depend on the region of the person.
    3.accents:distinctive mode of pronunciation of a language.
    4.standard English:formal English.
    5.linguafranca:it is the language used in communication.
    6.pidgin:people who make up one language. different type of speaking.
    8.slang: informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's language.
    9.jargon/argot:words used by certain group of people.
    10.taboo/euphemism:taboo are words which are not accepted for other people.euphemism is very polite.

  23. sorry a bit late to share opinions.

    Pidgin, taboo and euphemism as well as jargon and argot are new things for me, so i'm very excited to know more bout them...:)
    pidgin is the language used for communication between two or more people who do not understand each others' language. It belongs to nobody's native language. For example, when tourists from Japan come to Malaysia and ask direction to KLCC, definitely Malaysian could not understand their Japanese speaking language. Therefore, they have to interact using sign language or any other way so that both can understand each other. this is what we call pidgin.

    When two pidgins get married, the mixing of parents languages develop into creole. Creole is different from pidgin to some extent. Creole is nativized by children as their primary language while pidgin is assumed as the second language.

    taboo refers to unpleasant words uttered by people. For example, the word stupid in the sentence: "the student is quite stupid". Rather than saying these bad word, it can be replaced with nicer word. So, the sentence will become :the student is quite a slow learner. This nice word is called euphemism.

    jargon and argot are the same thing, which refers to the specific terms used by different groups of people, especially the proffesional groups. For example, when a group of scientists are speaking among them, they would refer the word yeast as 'saccharomyces cerevisiae'.The same thing goes on with the word hibiscus, instead of saying hibiscus, they would say it by its scientific name which is 'hibiscus rosa-sinensis'.

  24. 6. Pidgin is a simplified form of speech formed out of one or more existing languages and used by people who have no other language in common.
    7. Style is a distinctive manner of expression (as in writing or speech) writes with more attention to style than to content as the flowery style of 18th century prose.
    8. Slang is very informal usage in vocabulary  and idiom that is characteristically more metaphorical, playful, indirect, vivid, and brief than ordinary language . Most of the time, slang is used to reflect personality, mood, or lifestyle. Examples: Oh my gosh! Chill out. means Don't get upset. He dont know better! means He does not know better! I ain't doin that! means I am not doing that! Whatever dude! means I don't care! Slang words depend on the language used, country or area, ethnic background, subculture, and specific occupation or part of society - in other words, everyone has their own slang. . Here are some terms that would be recognized by any American:
    · Dude, Pal, Buddy - man or friend
    · Cash - paper money
    · Bread, Dough - any money
    · Cool, Hot, Hip - very popular, something or someone that others want to emulate
    · Spud - potato
    · Cop - police officer
    · Bathroom, Restroom, john, can - toilet
    · Chicken - afraid
    · Mad - angry
    · Dirty - obscene
    · Nuts, A Nut- crazy, eccentric
    · Pissed - urinated

    9. Jargon is the language, especially the vocabulary , peculiar to a particular trade, profession, or group: medical jargon. Examples of jargon from the Internet would be LOL, BFF, and TTYL, for "Laugh Out Loud", “Best Friends Forever”, and “Talk To You Later.” Jargon is like shorthand between members of a particular group of people. Following are some examples of jargon in various groups.
    · In the medical field, “agonal” is a term to signify a major, negative change in a patient’s condition. BP means blood pressure, FX means fracture, and JT is a joint. Nothing by mouth is NPO, intramuscular is IM, and potassium is K.

    · Police jargon would include “suspect” as a person whom the police think may have committed a crime, “10-4” means” OK”, or “got it”, “Code Eight” means an officer needs help immediately, “Code Eleven” means you are on the scene, and “FTP” means failure to pay a fine.
    · The military has its own jargon, too. TDY is temporary duty, AWOL is absent without leave, SQDN is a squadron, SAM is surface to air missile, PCS is permanent change of station, and LES is leave and earning statement.

    · Lastly, the internet is full of jargon. BTW is by the way, CYA is see you around, FAQ is frequently asked questions, HTH is hope this helps, and MOTD is message of the day.
    10. Taboo means words and phrases that are generally considered inappropriate in certain contexts. As example, in virtually all human cultures there are taboos against specific s
    exual practices. These prohibitions derive mainly from religious beliefs and long-established traditional beliefs and social customs.
    11. Euphemism means the substitution of an inoffensive term such as "passed away" for one considered offensively explicit "died", "Rest room" is a euphemism for "toilet" "lady of the evening" is a euphemism for "prostitute".

  25. 1. Idiolect is the language or speech of one individual at a particular period in life. Idiolect is the special characteristic or different ways of speaking a language. The speech habits peculiar to a particular person. For an example “in his strange idiolect, he preferred to call angels as angelicals“.
    2. Dialect is a version of a language spoken in a particular geographical area or by a particular group of people. The English spoken in Newcastle is different from that spoken by natives of North Cornwall. Not only do speakers in these two areas have a different dialect, they also use a number of different words. Different dialects also use slightly different grammar, too. For example, in Devon some people say ‘They do have …’ in preference to ‘They have …’ Such regional expressions are not ‘wrong’, they simply differ from standard English. They are described as ‘non-standard’.
    3. Accent is the relative prominence of a particular syllable of a word by greater intensity or by variation or modulation of pitch or tone. Vocal prominence or emphasis given to a particular syllable, word, or phrase. It is a characteristic pronunciation. One determined by the phonetic habits of the speaker's native language carried over to his or her use of another language such as French or German accent.
    4. Standard English (often shortened to S.E. within linguistic circles) refers to the English that with respect to spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary is substantially uniform though not devoid of regional differences, that is well established by usage in the formal and informal speech and writing of the educated, and that is widely recognized as acceptable wherever English is spoken and understood.
    5. A language or mixture of languages used as a medium of communication by people whose native languages are different. The status of English is such that it has been adopted as the world's lingua franca for communication in Olympic sport, international trade, and air-traffic control. Unlike any other language, past or present, English has spread to all five continents and has become a truly global language.

    1. GEETHA NAIR...

      These are my comments...

      In linguistics, an idiolect is a variety of a language unique to one individual person. It is manifested by patterns of vocabulary or idiom selection (the individual's lexicon), grammar, or pronunciations that are unique to the individual. Every individual's language production is in some sense unique. Linguists disagree about exactly what is shared, in terms of the underlying knowledge of the language, among speakers of the same language or dialect.


      Linguistics . a variety of a language that is distinguished fromother varieties of the same language by features ofphonology, grammar, and vocabulary, and by its use by agroup of speakers who are set off from others geographically or socially. A local, rural, or socially distinct variety of a language that differs from the standard language, especially when considered as substandard.A special variety of a language: The literary dialect is usually taken as the standard language.A language considered as one of a group that have a common ancestor: Persian, Latin, and English are Indo-European dialects.
      Jargon or cant.

      In linguistics, an accent is a manner of pronunciation unusual to a particular individual, location, or nation. An accent may identify the locality in which its speakers reside (a geographical or regional accent), the socio-economic status of its speakers, their ethnicity, their caste or social class, their first language (when the language in which the accent is heard is not their native language), and so on.
      Accents typically differ in quality of voice, pronunciation of vowels and consonants, stress, and prosody. Although grammar, semantics, vocabulary, and other language characteristics often vary concurrently with accent, the word 'accent' refers specifically to the differences in pronunciation, whereas the word 'dialect' encompasses the broader set of linguistic differences. Often 'accent' is a subset of 'dialect'.

      *Standard English
      Standard English (often shortened to S.E. within linguistic circles) refers to whatever form of the English language is accepted as a national norm in an Anglophone country. It encompasses grammar, vocabulary, and spelling. In the British Isles, particularly in England and Wales, it is often associated with: the "Received Pronunciation" accent (there are several variants of the accent) and UKSE (United Kingdom Standard English), which refers to grammar and vocabulary. In the United States it is generally associated with the "General American" accent, and in Australia with General Australian. Unlike the case of other standard languages, however, there is no official or central regulating body defining Standard English.

      *Lingua Franca
      A lingua franca (or working language, bridge language, vehicular language) is a language systematically used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother tongue, in particular when it is a third language, distinct from both mother tongues.

  26. GEETHA NAIR...


    A pidgin or pidgin language is a simplified language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups that do not have a language in common. It is most commonly employed in situations such as trade, or where both groups speak languages different from the language of the country in which they reside (but where there is no common language between the groups).
    Fundamentally, a pidgin is a simplified means of linguistic communication, as it is constructed unarranged, or by convention, between individuals or groups of people. A pidgin is not the native language of any speech community, but is instead learned as a second language. A pidgin may be built from words, sounds, or body language from multiple other languages and cultures. Pidgins allow people or a group of people to communicate with each other without having any similarities in language and does not have any rules, as long as both parties are able to understand each other. Pidgins can be changed and do not follow a specific order. Pidgins usually have low prestige with respect to other languages.
    Not all simplified or "broken" forms of a language are pidgins. Each pidgin has its own norms of usage which must be learned for proficiency in the pidgin.

    Style, in literature, the mysterious yet recognizable result of a successful blending of form with content. Generally speaking, all the arts reflect one of two stylistic tendencies: the classical or the romantic. When applied to literature the first term suggests objective presentation, formal structure, and clear yet ceremonious language, and the second indicates subjective presentation, organic structure, and obscure, effusive, or everyday language.

    Slang is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's language or dialect but are considered more acceptable when used socially. Slang is often used as a euphemism and may use informal lexicon to identify with one's peers.
    An Argot used by various groups including, but not limited to, thieves and other criminals to prevent outsiders from understanding their conversations. The term argot is also used to refer to the informal specialized vocabulary from a particular field of study, hobby, job, sport, etc.

    A taboo is a vehement prohibition of an action based on the belief that such behaviour is either too sacred or too accursed for ordinary individuals to undertake, under threat of supernatural punishment. Such prohibitions are present in virtually all societies. The word has been somewhat expanded in the social sciences to include strong prohibitions relating to any area of human activity or custom that is sacred or forbidden based on moral judgment and religious beliefs. "Breaking a taboo" is usually considered objectionable by society in general, not merely a subset of a culture.

  27. 1) A person’s individual speech habits, like me always like to use the word “aiyo” in daily speech
    2) What I can understand from dialect is style of expressing oneself in language.Everywan speaks malay but the way some state people who talk malay are different . But the main problem now is even some of the world’s dialects look set to become extinct. take look at this .
    3) Accents is where we use our mother language and when we talk another language we mix it up with that. For example this is real story happen to former england soccer manager steve mc larren , famously talked like a Dutchman soon after joining FC Twente of Holland two years ago but then just five months after becoming coach of German side Wolfsburg, he sounds as though he comes from the country at press confrence he pronounced the word “we” as “ve”. Therefore mother tongue is the main influence for accents.
    4) Standart enligsh is a formal english , everywhere we can use that. For example when we want to write a letter we normally use standart english because standart english everywan can understand .
    5) Lingua franca is where any language that is widely used as a means of communication among speakers of other language,for example people who are doing international bussiness they must use only one standart language to communicate, normaly english is the standart language.
    6) Pidgin is where a a particular language is use to communicate with people, for example people from arab, india, german all have their own language but when they communicate they use only one standart language to communicate , only particulat people understand that language .
    7) Style is where the way we speak to people each of everywan got their own style of speaking . For example we cannot use unformal words when talking to our parents . proper word must used to talk to them so that is different style
    8) Slang is unofficial language (words or grammar) or interpretation of language, usually because the language is too recent or not used widespread enough to be assimilated officially. Slang exists in pretty much every language, and is part of the natural evolution of a language. Example of slang words are “HEY CHILL BRO” “YO DUDE”
    9) Jargon word is where only the person in that profession understand the word for example medicent names only can understood by the doctor ,for a normal people it is just a name .
    10) Taboo words are the words that we cannot use publicy infront people or can say as sensetive words. For example the word “sex” is called as taboo word

  28. sarasvathy, vishalini and laymon

    1) Idiolect could be defined as the different terms used in a spoken language. For an example in KL we tend to use ‘lah’ very commonly whereas in Sabah the term ‘bah’ is used widely. However this term are not considered as a formal term of the language. It would not be used in writing.

    2) Dialect is usually spoken by people who live in a certain region of a country. A dialect also we can say as those who are speak their mother tongue in their own individual way. Dialect is basically from an official language. For example "BahasaMelayu" is the official language, but there is language called bahasa melayu terengganu, bahasa melayu kelantan, bahasa melayu perak. This is called as dialects.

    3) Accent classified as a way of pronouncing the word to a particular individual, location, or nation. Accents typically differ in quality of voice, pronunciation of vowels and consonants as well for stress. It is important to make this distinction between dialect and accent, in order to be able to show that it is possible to speak Standard English with a regional accent. Standard English has nothing to do with pronunciation. Most of the people who speak Standard English do so with some sort of regional pronunciation so that can tell where they come from by their accent than by their grammar or vocabulary.

    4) Standard English commonly mean that linguistic with good manners, sensitively and accurately matched to context to listeners or readers, to situation, and to purpose. But because our language is constantly changing, mastering its appropriate usage is not a onetime task like learning the multiplication tables. Instead, we are constantly obliged to adjust, adapt, and revise what we have learned.

    5) Lingua franca is language that is widely used as a means of communication among speakers of other languages. It’s used by different populations to communicate when they do not share a common language. Generally, a lingua franca is a third language that is distinct from the native language of both parties involved in the communication.

    6) Pidgin is the language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups that do not have a language in common. When two or more people from different in term language they will use pidgin to communicate. Pidgins can be altered and do not follow a specific order.
    7) Style is the way in of spoken and it determined the different ways and attitudes we acquire when we speak to different groups of people. The way we speak in different situation ranging from the informal to the formal. For an example we tend to be very polite and respectful when talking to elder people.
    8) Slang is informal standard words or phrase originated from subcultures within a society and it exists in all cultures and classes of society. Slang can be changed and renewed and it is the mark of an informal style.
    9) Jargon/argot is terminology which is especially defined in relationship to a specific activity, profession, group, or event specialized vocabulary or set of idioms used by a particular social class or group, especially one that functions outside the law. For an example in term of medical they have their own sets of words such as thermometer, bacillus, and abdomen.
    10) Taboo referred as offensive term (such as "passed away") for one considered offensively explicit ("died").

  29. 1. An idiolect is a variety of language unique to an individual. It is a word created by an individual & then used consistently, and as often as context applies, in their narrative-circle. What allows comprehension in that narrative-circle is the fact that the originator has supplied to their hearers at introduction of the new term the denotative meaning.

    2. A dialect a language considered as one of a group that have acommon ancestor.

  30. Hye everyone..^^

    Different people will speak differently with a different style among their communities. For Eg: we can see this conversation…

    Malaysian people using “Lah” : Don’t play play with me lah..
    Sabahan using “Bah” after the end of their word. : Apa yang kamu buat bah?

    Non-official language which is speak by one’s group of speaker. It is difference in the way different group speak a language. Eg: People from Penang, KL and Terengganu have their own way of saying the words.
    Look at this conversation :

    Where are you going ?
    Penang : Hang nak pi mana?
    KL : Awak nak pegi mane?
    Terengganu : Mu nok gie mano?

    Is refers more to the influence of mother tongue in language spoken. If we heard Malay, Chinese or Indian speaks English, we will know which groups they belongs to. This is because we can see obviously that Malay sometimes will pronounce certain words wrongly for example if the words contain the “th” sounds. While for Indian they will stress all the words that they pronounce hardly and for Chinese it is too hard for them to pronounce “r” and they will said “rice” as “lice”.

    Commonly used by groups that have a similar interest or professions such as doctor, engineers, teachers and so on. For Eg : “Scoop’’ usually be define as spoon but for medical field “Scoop” is “pick up”.

    Unpleasnt or impolite words that cannot be mention at all. Its a harsh or rude words that cannot be mention especially by certain cultures.So,in certain cultures or society we tend to change this bad words by using more polite or nice words to hear.Eg : “Fat” we replace it with “chubby” and “die” we replaced it with “passed away”.

    Is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker's language or dialect but acceptable when used socially. Slang is often used as a euphemism and may use informal lexicon to identify with one's peers.

    p/s : please do correct me if i'm wrong...

  31. 1)idiolect
    A person's speak in their own personal language, the words they choose and any other features that characterise their speech and writing. For example, Malaysian always use "lah", Sabahan use "bah".

    A variety of a language that is spoken by a group in a particular area or of a social group or class. It can have a different accent and pronunciation, vocabulary and use different grammatical structures of a person when they speak. For example, standard Bahasa Malaysia use in government purpose and also known as national/official language, chinese dialect such as hakka,hokkien.

    The way he/she speaks, bring their own mother tongue into the language such as the differences in the sounds, and that can show the place a person comes from, or their social class.

    4)standard English
    The way people speak without regional variations. Standard English is widely used in the media and by public figures, so it has prestige status and is regarded by many as the most desirable form of the language. It also called as formal English. For example, we speak standard English when we go for interview.

    A language used for communication among people of different mother tongues. For example, a group of 10 different countries people and have their own language, all of them only know English, then they use English to communicate with each other.

    A language that develops when a group speaking different languages have regular contact and need to communicate with each another. It usually has a restricted vocabulary and a simplified grammar. For example, 5 of the people from different country and they only know their own language.Therefore, they use sign language, body language or any other ways to communicate with each other.

    The way people speak in different situation. For example, we speak different with our friends and parents.

    It is informal language and non-standard words or pharases, it can using expressions that many would consider to be grammatically imperfect and sometimes rude. Slang often used within small social groups where it can help draw and keep the group together. It changes very quickly in English. For example, "check out the hot chick" mean's that "look at the beautiful lady".

    The language used by people who work in a particular area or who have a common interest such as doctors, lawyers, etc. All have specialised terms and expressions that they use, many of which may not be comprehensible to the outsider.

    Taboo is the unpleasant, impolite or sensitive words that cannot use in public. For example, his grandfather "died" last week. (died = passed away)
    Euphemism is the opposite of taboo. For example, she want to buy some "unmentionables". (unmentionables = underwear)

  32. Forgot to add on group member's name...

    Group 6
    Rozanna Mohamed Yusoff
    Mohd Addin bin Halipah
    Pang Suh Ting
    Hasanah Abdul Razak
